The Dragon and Flagon
Have you ever wanted to go into a medieval fantasy tavern? While there maybe get into a brawl or two with some other talented adventurers? Well then welcome to The Dragon and Flagon where you can do just that!
This game is for 2-8 players. You can either pick or be assigned an adventurer at random. For 2-4 players you have to play as two characters and from 5-8 everyone just gets the one character. You then take 20 reputation tokens for each of your characters. You’d also gather your character’s deck, play mat, and other tokens you need for them. You have tokens with your characters picture on them and you place that onto the time track with goes up to either 21-24 rounds or 27-30 rounds depending on the number of players. There is also an hourglass to track which round you are on as not all the players will continue on the turn track together. The point of the game is to have the most reputation before the game ends.
The game board is a tavern. You can set up tables, chairs, rugs, mugs, and barrels on the game board however you want. The Dragon Flagon, or alternatively a plate of cookies, is placed in the middle of the board. There are multiple starting locations around the outside of the board. You take turns placing your standees on different starting locations. Once that’s done the game can begin! You can pick out two cards from your deck that you want to play. You place them on your characters play mat in the order in which you want to play them. Thats the big trick about this game. You have to think two turns ahead. Your character can become dazed too and that makes you think three turns ahead. All of your card take different amount of time so your character could get moved a lot further down than your opponents. That could make your next card useless.
That’s essentially the challenge of the game. You could set up that you want to pick up a mug and then throw it at an opponent, but by the time your throw card comes up, the opponent may have move out of your range. If you are successful thoiugh, that’s how you steal your opponents reputation. Move successful moves, the more reputation you can gain.
That’s everything! Well there are a lot of different symbols on the cards that you need to learn, stuff like that, but the game is relatively easy when you learn it.
I have to say, it did take a bit to figure out and some of the cards end up being pretty confusing. It looks like a kids game with the art style, but I’d say the 10+ age is a little low. The game is deceiving fun! I’m actually sad I didn’t play it more often. I’ve had this game for a long time but barely played it.
Give the podcast a listen to see how we rate it, spoiler, it’s not that great, but that’s the difficulty with the ratings sometimes because like I said it is a good amount of fun and I’d certainly bring it out at a future game night.
The game board with all the pieces set up. The outside numbers are the turns on the turn track.